Sky High Mt Dandenong Proposal was Robert and Ianna’s perfect proposal location.  With amazing and unpredictable views from the Dandenong’s to the city.  The day of the proposal the plan was to have the proposal all setup for outside but due to Melbourne’s four seasons in a day the weather was not so kind.

So, with such a beautiful venue on hand the back up plan was to take the proposal inside and have the floor to ceiling windows be part of the backdrop which in turn allowed Rob and Ianna to enjoy the proposal setup all night long.  Which in turn they certainly did.

sky high proposal melbourne

We have seen the video taken which was shared on their private socials, but we only have the photos we took on the day on setup and later that evening.

When we arrived at the end of the evening, we were greeted with a big hug from Ianna who was so excited along with many thanks from Rob and family members on making such a memorable evening. An evening of celebration shared with family with dinner and small party afterwards to celebrate their engagement.

We wrapped up the roses from the evening which we presented to Ianna in turn gave a small bunch to Robert’s grandmother which was a lovely token.

Thank you to Graeme and the team at Sky High Mt Dandenong in working with us in helping Rob create his perfect proposal to David.  We are happy to work with the Sky High team along side their Proposal Package in making the moment so much more memorable

sky high mt dandenong proposal

The plan was that Ianna was attending a work function with Rob’s sister who in turn had picked her up that evening and escorted her to Sky High where Rob and family were waiting for her arrival.

With the curtain drawn closed the proposal was hidden behind until her arrival. On arrival the curtain was pulled back and all was revealed. Ianna In complete shock and full of emotion Robert guided her down the aisle where he got down on bended knee and proposed.

proposal sky high mt dandenong melbourne

Sky High Mt Dandenong Proposal

Proposal Tip: Have fun with your proposal create a decoy to get your love of your life to your desired proposal.  Include everyone in on your decoy so that your plan goes perfectly.

Remember to check out Instagram for all our proposals