Docklands Wharf Surprise Proposal was the setting for Han and Jayde’s proposal. A very simple setup of just our Marry Me Lights but a fan fare proposal it was all setup on the wharf between The Berth Restaurant and Cargo Restaurant at Docklands.

All setup Han and Jayde’s friends arrived by boat to meet us at the wharf at docklands to be their to capture the moment. However not everything went to plan as Jayde was getting ready their was a small wardrobe malfunction with her zip on her dress causing them to be nearly 1 hour late.
An evening proposal with friends arriving by boat to meet the couple and be part of their special moment. Jayde fully unaware of what was happening as she thought that they were all going out to dinner at one of the restaurants. This not being the case of course.

So while we were all waiting their friends took a couple of photos and chit chatted awaiting the text by text encounter until Han and Justine finally arrived. And it was epic on all accounts
With two full restaurants and an outdoor dining area busy we had a crown and half ready and waiting as we had been setup for sometime. Everyone watched as Jayde was totally overwhelmed and in shock slowly walking down the ramp to the Marry Me Lights there friends as well as us took photos and video of their proposal
So watch the below raw video of their amazing proposal and expect the unexpected .We do apologize for the oop words but we were also in the moment when filiming the proposal on our iphone.
Docklands Wharf Surprise Proposal for Han and Jayde
- Marry Me Lights: Melbourne Wedding Proposals
- Iphone Video: Melbourne Wedding Proposals
- Location: Docklands Wharf between The Cargo Restaurant and The Berth Restaurant