Marriage Proposal at Home was the perfect setting for Shadie and Ashlea. Coming home from a romantic evening away in the Dandenongs was totally unexpected surprise for Ashlea as she walked in the front door.
Setting up in the front lounge with our Marry Me lights with our gorgeous heart shaped rug with petals and led pillar candles scattered around created a perfect intimate setting for just the two of them.
The ring was placed in the middle of the rug allowing Shadie to pick up the ring as he went down on bended knee to propose to Ashlea.
Shadie and Ashlea’s Marriage Proposal at Home included:
- Marry Me Light Up Letters
- Red Heart Shaped Rug
- Fresh Petals in pinks, reds and whites
- Led Pillar Candles
Congratulations to the lovely couple who have ended 2020 on high with an extended Christmas celebration and with a New Year of wedding planning ahead for 2021.
Ashlea’s mum meet us at their house to setup in the afternoon of the proposal just after Christmas. With Shadie’s mum coming a little after. We didn’t know who more excited Shadie when planning the proposal or the mum’s who were in on the suprise proposal.
Ashlea and Shadie’s gorgeous little puppy Archie was just excited with all the commotion when setting up as well as being part of there proposal.
With the mum’s adding in more romantic gestures with fresh flowers and cake the excitement and scene was setup for their perfect proposal for children.
Shadie and Ashlea’s Proposal :
- Location: At Home
- Proposal Planner: Melbourne Wedding Proposals
- Hire Wedding Hire Melbourne / Melbourne Wedding Proposals
Proposal Tip:
Having family and friends help with access and some little extra’s will help make the proposal run smoothly when having a proposal at home. This will also include them on being part of your special moment.